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CUMMINS ISLE Series Diesel Engine for Vehicle

CUMMINS ISLE Series Diesel Engine for Vehicle

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Product Name: CUMMINS ISLE Series Diesel Engine for Vehicle
Availability: In Stock
Brand: cummins
Series: diesel engine
Model: CUMMINS ISLE Series Diesel Engine for Vehicle
Supplier: A&S Diesel Parts Co.,Ltd.
Average Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars!
Browse Times: 3316

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CUMMINSISLESeriesDiesel Engine for Vehicle(Euro IV)

1)  Powerful Electriconic Control Module and Control System: Adopts Genermay Continental CM2150E Control Module with increased capability for OBD & UDS/ODX, Enable higher capacity & faster processing speeds. Maintains an optimum balance between load demands, fuel-efficiency and emission control.

2)  Low Operation Cost: Powerful control system working with optimized fuel system offers an optimized fuel economy and perfomance in different duty cycle, optimized engine system provides highest power to weight ratio and extends service intervals, which provides significant reduction in operation cost.

3)  New Common Rail System: Cummins high pressure common rail fuel system with Cummins CCR fuel pump and Bosch Crin3.0 injector. It works at higher pressure and is capable of generating up to 1800bar injection pressure for better low speed performance, fuel economy, improved cold start and meeting Euro IV and Eruo V emissions legislation.

4)  Excellent Power Output: The engine perk torque up to 1700N.m, it significantly increases engine power inventory and improve transient response.

5)  Meet Euro IV Emissions Legislations: Adopts Cummins Integrated Emission Management System using Selective Catalytic Reduction technology, it provides significant reduction on PM and Nox.

6)  Future Proof Design: Cummins worldwide common platform product, engine directly upgrade to Eruo V emissions legislation.

7)  High Driving Comfort Ability: Adopts a number of noise and vibration reduction technology such as double-layer gear cover, viscous vibration damper and isolated valve cover, etc

8)  Excellent Cold Start Performance: Air intake heater maintains excellet engine cold start performance. Strong cold start performance is capable of starting at -35

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