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BMW E21 engine parts piston ring

BMW E21 engine parts piston ring

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Product Name: BMW E21 engine parts piston ring
Availability: In Stock
Brand: BMW
Supplier: A&S Diesel Parts Co.,Ltd.
Average Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars!
Browse Times: 9673

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Dia/?mm:??84.00,Ring Width:1.75+2+4.,Cylinder:4CYL.
Engine Model / OEM:BMW E21
Piston rings are divided into gas ring and oil ring piston rings, piston has four functions:
First,to maintain air tightness
Second, the control of oil
Third, the role of heat transfer
Fourth, supporting role
Piston rings are important parts of engines than other engines parts,the roles of piston rings are most delicate.If you don't choose a good piston rings for your engines,it will affect the performance of then engines. Piston rings are generally made of alloy cast iron materials through precision machining.
Even sophisticated design of piston rings, such as improper use can also cause a variety of fault, which can not give full play to the effectiveness of piston rings.
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