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Mazda NA1600 engine parts connecting rod 8171-11-210

Mazda NA1600 engine parts connecting rod 8171-11-210

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Product Name: Mazda NA1600 engine parts connecting rod 8171-11-210
Availability: In Stock
Brand: Mazda
Model: 8171-11-210
Supplier: A&S Diesel Parts Co.,Ltd.
Average Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars!
Browse Times: 9694

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Product type:connecting rod Brand:Mazda Engine model:NA1600 Part No.:8171-11-210
Connecting rod is one of the main transmission parts of the car engine. Connecting rod is consists of Connecting rod body and the connecting rod cover, The function of Connecting rod is connected the piston and the crankshaft, so that makes the piston reciprocating linear motion into rotary motion of the crank. Connecting rod has sufficient strength and stiffness.
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