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New high speed Yanmar diesel for offshore

Yanmar Europe has announced the launch of a new 12-cylinder V-format high speed diesel, the 12AY, which is targeted at offshore support vessels, ferries, tugs, and commercial fishing craft.

The engine will be exhibited at the forthcoming SMM trade fair in Hamburg. The 12 AY is designed for easy installation and maintenance, and features a new staggered injection nozzle and patented combustion chamber design. These allow a very wide rpm range with low fuel consumption and emissions.

The 40-litre turbocharged engine is available in five power ratings across three models. The 12AYM-WST models are available at 1,200bhp (882kW) at 1,850rpm and 1,400bhp (1,030kW) at 1,900rpm. The 12AYM-WET is available at 1,550bhp (1,140kW) at 1,840rpm and 1,659bhp (1,220kW) at 1,900rpm. The 12AYM-WGT produces 1,822bhp (1,340kW) at 1,940rpm.

The new V-cylinder block configuration offers improved rigidity compared to previous models, with inspection ports providing access to connecting rod assemblies. A mechanical engine governor control and Yanmar's own fuel system components are fitted. Compliant with IMO Tier II, the 12AY series has type approval by the six major classification societies.

Yanmar      </p></div>

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