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DEUTZ AG : DEUTZ implements new security solution

  • DEUTZ becomes first to use nPASS software and hardware solution
  • Contactless access to restricted and protected areas
  • Positive impact on security and costs

Cologne-based engine manufacturer DEUTZ AG uses state-of-the-art security solutions. Its parts centre in Cologne-Kalk has become the first entity to implement the nPASS (noFilis Protected Area Security Solution) software and hardware solution, which has been jointly developed by the firms inconso AG and noFilis.

nPASS is a security solution based on cutting-edge AutoID technology that controls and manages the contactless access that people and vehicles have to restricted and protected areas, such as packing areas for known consignors. The key benefit offered by this contact- less security solution is that it minimises the disruption to logistics processes and opera- tions while reducing the potential for manual interventions that could circumvent security procedures. The system therefore has a positive impact on both security and running costs as well as meeting all the security requirements of Germany's federal aviation authority.

"Any speedy and high-quality service relies on the ability to transport freight by air. DEUTZ therefore started at a very early stage to work towards its objectives of creating a secure supply chain and being certified as a known consignor. One of the main challenges to over- come here was to meet the federal aviation authority's requirements without disrupting the entire logistics process. By combining the ability to recognise and identify individuals, the nPASS system has enabled us to achieve this goal", stressed Hans-Peter Flother, head of spare-parts logistics and quality at DEUTZ.

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