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Overheated Car Engine? How To Handle It?

Overheated Car Engine? How To Handle It?
Modern day vehicles are built with engines that produce extensive amounts of powerful heat.  Anytime a car is driven, it's the radiators job to transfer heat from the engine, using thermal heat exchange, to prevent the car from overheating.  For a car radiator to function properly, it must have sufficient amounts of liquid coolant running through its core.  In case your radiator ever fails you, be sure to learn what to do when your car engine is overheating.
When a car has overheated, attempting to drive it further can risk harming the engine.  You should never try to drive an overheating car because the engine and other inner components can sustain irrevocable damages.  It can also be dangerous to you and anyone in or around the vehicle.  Head gaskets can blow, engine parts can melt, and smoke can accumulate in large masses.  The first thing to do when you notice that your car is over-heating, is pull over to a safe part of the road.  It is recommended to try and pull into a neighborhood or parking lot if there is one there at the moment; otherwise, simply find a flat surface on the side of the road.
Once you have pulled over and turned the engine off, be sure to turn on your hazards to alert people of your position.  This is especially important at night.  Keep all car lights on in the evening if you are ever pulled over on the edge of a street.  Many people make the mistake of opening their hoods right away and touching the radiator cap.  This is a huge no-no!  The car engine and radiator will be very hot and can cause second and third degree burns.  Always allow your vehicle to cool off for at least fifteen minutes, depending on the amount of time spent driven prior to the break down. This way you can protect yourself from accidents and injury.
When the vehicle has completely cooled, check around and underneath it for any signs of leaking.  This could indicate a wide variety of issues, from a cracked radiator to a faulty radiator hose.  If there is no sign of leakage, take a look at the oil.  Remove the dipstick and concentrate on the color.  If it is dark brown and sludgy-looking, this means the liquid coolant might be seeping into the engine.  This can result from a blown head gasket or cracked engine block.  Even if the oil looks normal, these damages may still be the underlying problem.
The best thing to do in a situation like this is call a mechanic shop once you have the car pulled over.  They are the professionals that can accurately diagnose the issue behind your overheating vehicle.  When antifreeze and coolant aren't the answer, trust a licensed car radiator repair technician to figure it out for you.  Use a directory to contact a local auto repair shop nearby.  Use a mechanic that offers transportation services such as pickups and towing.  This way you can have your vehicle towed to the shop, and get a ride there too, all in the same trip.

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