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Porsche 944 engine parts 24/27 mm Combination Thin Wrench

Porsche 944 engine parts 24/27 mm Combination Thin Wrench

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Product Name: Porsche 944 engine parts 24/27 mm Combination Thin Wrench
Availability: In Stock
Brand: Porsche
Supplier: A&S Diesel Parts Co.,Ltd.
Average Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars!
Browse Times: 2949

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This thin wrench is combination wrench with the two possible sizes needed for all 944 belt tensioning jobs. The 27mm end is for use on late model 944 (87 onward) and the 24 mm end is for early cars that may never have been updated to the larger rollers. If you're unsure what rollers you have this wrench may be a good answer.
It is needed to adjust the cam & balance belt tension. Our wrench is made using plasma-jet technology and of cold rolled steel. It has a black oxide coating and features a handle with a thin, yet over-sized, head. The thin part is needed to get under the roller's off-center pivot nut and the over-sized head makes the wrench strong and helps to prevent the belt from riding up on the wrench edge. It also has a unique bent offset needed to reach the cam belt offset roller

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