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Ford lucas-340U diesel turbocharger

 Ford lucas-340U diesel turbocharger

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Product Name: Ford lucas-340U diesel turbocharger
Availability: In Stock
Brand: Ford
Model: Ford lucas-340U
Supplier: A&S Diesel Parts Co.,Ltd.
Average Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars!
Browse Times: 3348

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 Ford lucas-340U diesel turbocharger advantages:

1, to improve engine emissions. The turbocharger engine can reduce the emission of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides and other harmful components in engine exhaust gas by improving engine combustion efficiency.`Turbocharger is the indispensable configuration that can make diesel engine reach the above 2 emission standards..

2, to provide the function of altitude compensation. High altitudes, the higher the altitude, the thinner the air, the engine with a turbocharger can overcome the power of the engine due to the thin air of plateau decline.
3, to improve fuel economy, reduce fuel consumption. Better combustion performance with a turbocharger engine, fuel savings of 3% -5%.
4, to improve engine power. In case of engine displacement constant by increasing the density of the intake air, so that the engine can be multi-fuel injection, thereby increasing the power of the engine, the turbocharger installed after the engine power and torque increased by 20% to 30%. . On the contrary in the bore of the engine can be reduced in the same power output requirements out of the volume and weight of the engine.

We have a wide range lines of Ford diesel parts products,if you dont finde the parts you want,please contact us and send us your information.

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