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Ford 240F diesel turbocharger

 Ford 240F diesel turbocharger

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Product Name: Ford 240F diesel turbocharger
Availability: In Stock
Brand: Ford
Model: Ford 240F diesel engine
Supplier: A&S Diesel Parts Co.,Ltd.
Average Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars!
Browse Times: 3302

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 Ford 240F diesel turbocharger advantages and featues:

1, to improve engine emissions. The turbocharger engine can reduce the emission of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides and other harmful components in engine exhaust gas by improving engine combustion efficiency.`Turbocharger is the indispensable configuration that can make diesel engine reach the above 2 emission standards..

2, to provide the function of altitude compensation. High altitudes, the higher the altitude, the thinner the air, the engine with a turbocharger can overcome the power of the engine due to the thin air of plateau decline.
3, to improve fuel economy, reduce fuel consumption. Better combustion performance with a turbocharger engine, fuel savings of 3% -5%.
4, to improve engine power. In case of engine displacement constant by increasing the density of the intake air, so that the engine can be multi-fuel injection, thereby increasing the power of the engine, the turbocharger installed after the engine power and torque increased by 20% to 30%. . On the contrary in the bore of the engine can be reduced in the same power output requirements out of the volume and weight of the engine.

Suitable for Ford 240F diesel engine;

We have many types of Ford turbocharger applingy in marine diesel engine and diesel engine,If 

you dont find the correct turbocharger for your engine or machines,please contact us and send 

us your information.

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